We represent a significant number of the core cannabis companies that have helped pave the way for this new industry. After spending over 20 years building one of the first cannabis brands (seedleSs. est.1992), we poured our experience, passion and extensive resources into helping build brands for other people... logo development, artwork, merchandise, ad/media content, packaging, all that shit!
Complete brand identity from scratch.
While all this was going down, I took my happy ass to law school so i could get a "higher" education and piece the next part of KhanVerge together. you can only be a weed soapbox activist for so long before you realize that the soapbox has its limits and that certain doors just dont open without credentials. So i went away for a couple years and came back armed with teams of lawyers, accountants, lobbyists, architects, zoning specialists and just about every other professional service i would need to cut up the landscape. We even have badass private investigator/ex-ops if we ever need to cross that "Better Call Saul" "Ray Donovan" line.
After assembling a group of the top professionals in their respective fields, all with a niche focus in cannabis, we started going after licenses. We were successful in being awarded licenses from the city of San Diego for retail cannabis dispensaries. We also hold licenses for cultivation, extraction, and distribution.
Finally, to round out the most comprehensive vertical integration in the cannabis space, we started a trade association comprised of all the 16 CUP's issued by the city to further guide and direct this evolving industry through its infancy and into next year as we prepare for California's transition to Adult Use Recreational sales, which are projected to be in the billions (with a "B")
This is a great source of pride but also a motivation to continue to break paradigms and push the limits. think green.

Instead of some cherry-picked testimonials section, you can just do your own research on who we are and what these companies do. The internet is a far better source than bullshit easter eggs deliberately placed by companies on their own website to try and make them look more accomplished or valuable than they actually are. fuckin posers.